Leadership is Lonely, And It Shouldn’t Be

I’ve mentioned before that I recently made a career change. After twenty-seven years in one profession, it was time for a change. 

Changing careers is always challenging, especially after a quarter century. And while I knew it was right and my family fully supported the decision, it was still scary and created feelings of uncertainty. 

Thankfully, I have three or four friends going through similar transitions. So we talk regularly, sharing resources and insights, cheering each other on, and reminding each other that we are on the right path. 

Similarly, being in a leadership role is scary and creates feelings of uncertainty. And even if you know the position is correct, it can feel lonely. 

The feelings are normal. 

After all, hundreds of concerns divide up your time and attention (Sales, P & L, HR, building maintenance, long-term strategy, an upcoming meeting . . .) in a way that is hard for others to understand. 

That’s why you must find a community of other leaders to make the journey with. 

A leader must make pre-make three decisions for this to happen.

1. You must decide that a community of leaders is essential to your long-term success. 

No one is going to make this decision for you. You must believe in the long-term benefit of a leadership community, or you will never do it. 

And here’s my hunch–when you reflect on your life, you shared your most meaningful events with others.

But the problem with long-term is that it’s easy to put off. That’s why the next decision is essential. 

2. You must decide that you will make time for it—soon.

Yes, you are busy. 

Yes, you have a lot on your mind. 

You are correct–no one will do your job when you are away.

Saying you will do something “someday” is not making a decision. It’s procrastinating. Pick a time and stick to it.

3. You must decide that it’s worth putting yourself in new settings. 

There is something about being in the room with others who “get what you are going through” that is comforting and bonding. You don’t have to explain everything. You just feel a connection. 

When you find your leadership community, it will make you a better leader.

You, your team, your friends, and your family will all benefit from you having a leadership community. 

One more quick thing, attending a Leadercast event is a great way to find leaders like you 😉


Brian Rutherford

Brian Rutherford is Director of Content and Product Strategy for Leadercast. Brian has been telling stories professionally for twenty-five years. Stories that inspire people to see themselves and the world differently. Stories that challenge people to take meaningful action in the world.

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