
Comfort is Overrated

I have thought about things that aggravate me, worry me, anger me, and that I wish I had done differently in the past. And it has not been good.

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The Greater Why

I have thought about things that aggravate me, worry me, anger me, and that I wish I had done differently in the past. And it has not been good.

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Time Well Wasted

Things that make you feel fully alive. These are things that you may have felt guilty about doing before. (Like I used to feel guilty for playing basketball.) Things that make you the best version of yourself.

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What do you WANT to do with your time

Time victims don’t like this question. It triggers a fight mechanism because they believe that others (their job, kids, church, spouse, yard, house, etc.) TAKE their time. It is also why time victims love the idea of retirement.

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