Leadership can be complicated. Sometimes, it can feel overwhelming to begin thinking about growing as a leader. When I start feeling overwhelmed, here are three simple daily leadership habits that I do.
1. Nothing
We spend so much of our days running from meeting to meeting or task to task that most of us can forget to slow down. Simply taking five minutes to be intentionally unproductive can turn a stressful day around. Call it mindfulness, meditation, or whatever you wish, but the best leaders know they can’t be there for their team until they’ve had time alone.
So, take that break and do nothing.
2. Thank someone
Plenty of research shows us that the more intentionally grateful someone is, the more grounded and happy they are.
Leaders worth following always have a gratitude habit. If you thank someone every day, that’s 365 lives you’ve impacted in a year. And while nothing beats a genuine face-to-face conversation, it can be as simple as a text telling someone you’ve seen them and are thankful for them.
You’ll be shocked at how many people tell you they need it.
3. Offer to help
World Class leaders are servants.
I once had someone who worked for me who would end every conversation I had with him with the question, “How can I make your life easier today?”
The first few times he asked me caught me off guard, but I would honestly ask for help after a while. And he would do it! So I started the habit myself, and though I’ve not been as consistent as the servant leader who taught me to do it, I’ve seen it work wonders. Sometimes, because of your role as the leader, you can do something for someone that would take them hours to accomplish.
So, offer to help someone on your team today.