Unlocking the Power of a Sherpa: Your Guide to Success

I read Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer over a decade ago. 

At the time, I knew very little about climbing Mount Everest, and for a few minutes, I thought, “I should go climb Everest.” 

Then I had to walk upstairs to get a glass of water and the dream died.

Kami Rita, one of the greatest Sherpas of all time, reached the 8,849-meter (29,032-foot) peak for a record 29th time at 7:25 a.m. local time on Sunday morning. He first summited Everest in 1994, and his father was among the first Sherpa guides. 

Kami and his fellow Sherphas make climbing Everest possible for people like me. 

(Well, not exactly people like me, but you know what I mean.)

When businesses function at their best, they serve a similar purpose to a Sherpa. They enable others to achieve their goals and results.

  • My hardware store enables me to repair things around my house.
  • My internet provider enables me to stream videos, send e-mails and work from home.
  • My gas station enables me to drive around town for the best soft-serve ice cream. (This may be why my Everest dream died so quickly.)

I have worked in a variety of businesses throughout my career. 

  • My first job was in a small engine repair shop. We enabled people to mow their lawns and cut down firewood.
  • I worked at Chick-fil-A. We enabled people to get a quick service meal without feeling bad about themselves.
  • Now, I work for Leadercast. We enable organizations to achieve better results through developing better leaders. 

Better Leaders = Better Results

In other words, we provide the impact and inspiration organizations need to unleash their leadership potential.

Understanding what your organization makes possible for others can create clarity and the needed boost of energy when times are tough.

It also reminds you that you are a servant in someone else’s story. 

Sherpas help others reach the summit. Thus, their work is about something other than themselves—it’s about the people they serve.

So, Tuesday’s Takeaway is to answer two questions:

  • What does your organization make possible for others?
  • Are you approaching your work with an attitude of gratitude and service?


Brian Rutherford

Brian Rutherford is the Chief Operating Officer for Leadercast. Brian has been telling stories professionally for twenty-five years. Stories that inspire people to see themselves and the world differently. Stories that challenge people to take meaningful action in the world.

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