Want to be a Better Leader by Wednesday?

Holidays take on a different perspective as you age. 

When I was a kid, I loved Christmas. The glitz. The lights. The presents. The multitude of holiday celebrations in my small town. (Looking back, I don’t know how my parents made dinner during the holidays. We were always on the go.)

Since I am now firmly in the second half of life, I appreciate the simpler holidays more. Give me Thanksgiving–a good meal with family, some football, and a warm location in a cold climate–and I’m content. 

While others go overboard with Halloween, I prefer the relative simplicity of the 4th of July. Fire up the BBQ or go for a hike–just enjoy being outside in the warmth. 

(Yeah, I know Independence Day has its excesses. There is the hot dog-eating contest, too much alcohol, and the strange American desire to blow things up. Others may enjoy that, but that’s not how I celebrate.) 

So what does all this mean . . . 

Life (and leadership) can be complex with challenges and unexpected obstacles every day. Add to that the constant bickering of modern discourse, and it’s understandable why people are exhausted and angry. 

While there are battles to fight and causes to champion, sometimes you just need a break. A break to sit in a hammock, watch squirrels chase one another like kids on a playground, shoot some hoops, or fall asleep in a lawn chair.

A break to restore your hope and drive. 

Your to-do list will still be there on Wednesday, so your Tuesday Takeaway is–TAKE A BREAK. 

You may not have earned it, but you need it.

And you’ll be a better leader Wednesday because of it.


Brian Rutherford

Brian Rutherford is the Director of Content and Product Strategy for Leadercast. Brian has been telling stories professionally for twenty-five years. Stories that inspire people to see themselves and the world differently. Stories that challenge people to take meaningful action in the world.

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