What do you WANT to do with your time

This post will go live the day after Memorial Day 2024.

Memorial Day Weekend holds a special place in my heart. Growing up, my immediate and uncle’s families would camp together at a State Park in Ohio for the weekend. We would hike (small ones), fish, ride bikes, walk, build campfires, celebrate my cousin’s birthday and make homemade ice cream. 

It was a glorious few days outdoors that signified the beginning of summer.

The weekend was so meaningful and memorable that even after moving 500 miles away, we would still make the trip to participate in it. 

But times have changed. Campers have been sold, families have grown, and the tradition has died. 

But as I reflect on that weekend, I am left with a significant question: What do I WANT to do with my time?

I am now in the back half of my life and realize this may be one of the most critical questions of life. 

Time victims don’t like this question. It triggers a fight mechanism because they believe that others (their job, kids, church, spouse, yard, house, etc.) TAKE their time. It is also why time victims love the idea of retirement. 

Depending on your family of origin, personality type, or religious heritage, you may even feel guilty asking this question. However, my life experience has taught me that the majority want to use their time for the benefit of others, so this guilt is unfounded.

What do you WANT to do with your time?

Let’s do some math:

  • You have 168 hours at your disposal every week.
  • Let’s assume you work at maximum productivity for 50 hours per week.


“A study from Stanford University economics professor John Pencavel shows working more than 50 hours a week can actually make your hourly productivity plummet. Yes, you read that right. In fact, after 55 hours, productivity drops so much that working more would be pointless!” (Timegram Blog)

  • Let’s also assume you get the optimum sleep of 56 hours (8 hours per night).
  • That leaves you with 62 hours per week for all other activities. 

Okay, math class is over.

So, let’s leave this week with two questions for Tuesday’s Takeaway:

  • What do you WANT to do with your 50 hours at work?
  • What do you WANT to do with your 62 other hours?


Grab a piece of paper. Write those two questions. Listen to your inner voice. And answer the questions. 

After all, the questions we ask ourselves determine our future. 

And if you are still arguing with the math above, you may be a time victim.


Brian Rutherford

Brian Rutherford is the Chief Operating Officer for Leadercast. Brian has been telling stories professionally for twenty-five years. Stories that inspire people to see themselves and the world differently. Stories that challenge people to take meaningful action in the world.

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