Why Am I So Impatient?

Our daily activities shape how we lead.

There is no way around this principle. It’s simply true.

Over the last couple of years, people have noted how everyone seems to be freaking out over the smallest of slights. I, too, feel very impatient with others too much of the time. 

And I am starting to understand why.

Living in a completely-curated world creates an environment that contributes to my impatience with others. 

  • I am a huge Ohio State Buckeyes Football fan.  I download a couple of radio shows (podcasts) about the team to my phone and listen to them when I want.
  • When I discover a new book, I no longer wait to go to a store to pick it up. With a couple of clicks, I can download it to my Kindle. If I want the hard copy, it will be on my doorstep in two days.
  • If you are of a certain age, you remember listening to the radio for hours, hoping to hear your favorite song. Now, click on YouTube or Spotify, and “voila”!


The magic of technology makes it easy to do what I want when I want. 

That is until others enter my story. Others have wants and needs. Others move at their own pace. Some move too fast. Others move too slowly. 

And here’s the deal: they live in their overly-curated world, too.  

So, if you consistently feel frustrated with others, here are a few practical suggestions.  

  • On your next trip to the store, choose the longer line and then let someone go in front of you. 
  • Listen to old-school radio for a day where some DJ, who you will never meet, chooses what you hear.
  • The next time you want a book, drive to the local bookstore and pick it up. If they don’t have it in stock, ask them to order it.

Engaging in daily activities that force you to slow down, be present, and have less control helps you move at the speed of life.  

And as a human-centered, empathy-based, results-oriented leader, one of the greatest gifts you will give your followers is your patience and full presence–and less of that frustrated vibe.


Brian Rutherford

Brian Rutherford is the Director of Operations for Leadercast. Brian has been telling stories professionally for twenty-five years. Stories that inspire people to see themselves and the world differently. Stories that challenge people to take meaningful action in the world.

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