Witnessing History

As I watched the roll call from the 2016 Democratic Convention, I could not help but feel emotional. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican or an Independent; no matter which candidate you resonate with most; no matter if you are male or female – it is hard to ignore the fact that for the first time in history, a woman leads the ticket of a major American political party as their nominee for President of the United States.

As my college mentor put it: “It’s remarkable to witness this milestone in our lifetime.”

Over the past week, this sentiment has been repeated by women in my generation, as well as those who have gone before me. They discussed the many powerful moments led by women at the Democratic National Convention – women who have made it their mission to find their voice where previously they felt unheard. We heard from Mothers of the Movement, sharing about the deaths of their children and their dedication to peace. We heard from Astrid Silva, Linda Sanchez, Mary Kay Henry, women who reached a variety of “firsts,” speaking with passion and purpose. And then we heard from Michelle Obama. We heard a powerful, progressive speech; a speech many are calling the most impactful of the night. She spoke of what it takes to be a true leader: someone with the strength to persevere; who works to make a difference in the lives of others; who leans into difficult situations and leans on others, “because we are always stronger together.”

Completely setting aside politics, our role as parents, as role models and as leaders is to encourage and inspire our sons and daughters to lead the future with bravery, vision, integrity, acceptance, and respect. Not coincidentally, these are many of the same values of Leadercast and its mission to build Leaders Worth Following.

At Leadercast Live and on Leadercast Now, dozens of male and female leaders have taken the time to share their wisdom, challenges and solutions. Although they come from a variety of backgrounds, roles, experiences, and beliefs, they share one thing in common: they lead with intention. They speak into the lives of others—young leaders coming up behind them and those working alongside them. They have a vision of making a true impact on the world.

Still, we know we have more work to do to bring you even more diverse voices; to support and develop values-based leadership and reach even more people throughout the world.

For us, at Leadercast, it starts by recognizing the voices and milestones of today, and remembering that there is so much ahead of us tomorrow.


Ginger Schlanger

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