Your Feelings Impact Your Leadership

A friend offered to take me out to eat the other day. When I politely declined, he asked why. 

“Oh, I like how the food tastes at that restaurant. But I always feel like garbage after eating there.”

Richard Rohr regularly teaches on the “second half of life.”  I’m not sure I am there emotionally or spiritually, but I am there physically. And as I embrace the second half, I am much more aware of my feelings.

  • I am aware that when I eat certain foods, I feel bad.
  • I am aware that when I get enough sleep, I feel better. 
  • I am aware that when I spend time outside, I feel more peaceful.

I have read countless leadership books and attended several conferences. I have listened to hundreds of leadership podcasts, and very few have talked about how important how you feel is to your leadership aptitude.  

But as I journey into the second half of my leadership life, I can see that how I feel impacts my leadership dramatically. 

For example, I felt irritated, agitated and anxious a few years ago. Hope drained from my spirit, and I was no fun. (To be fair, I’m not a life-of-the-party guy anyway.)

Someone wise once said, “The questions you ask are more important than the answers.” 

Thus I started asking, “Why do I feel this way?”

It took a little while, but I finally figured it out. Spending time on Twitter made me irritated, agitated and anxious, and those emotions would spill over into every area of my life.

So, I changed my password to a random list of characters I could not remember and logged out. 

And within a few days, I started feeling better. 

Here’s the bottom line: The habit of checking Twitter affected my outlook on life and my leadership aptitude.

So, I quit. 

This is an inescapable truth: Your habits affect how you feel, and how you feel impacts your leadership. 

So, I will leave you with two questions about your current habits:

  1. Which ones make you feel good, hopeful and encouraged?
  2. Which ones make you feel irritated, agitated and anxious?

Do more of the first. And DO WHATEVER you can to quit the second!


Brian Rutherford

Brian Rutherford is the Chief Operating Officer for Leadercast. Brian has been telling stories professionally for twenty-five years. Stories that inspire people to see themselves and the world differently. Stories that challenge people to take meaningful action in the world.

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