Your Most Important Professional Habit

What is your most important professional habit?

  • Being organized?
  • Communicating effectively?
  • Asking questions? 
  • Respecting deadlines? 
  • Avoiding distractions? 
  • Being punctual?
  • Learning continuously? 
  • Networking?
  • Asking for help?
  • Being proactive?
  • Taking criticism well?
  • Maintaining a work-life balance?
  • Being a team player?
  • Practicing gratitude?
  • Using tools to save time?
  • Paying attention to details?
  • Following your company’s beliefs and vision?
  • Having integrity?

As I read that list, I kept thinking, “Oh, it should be that habit.” 

But I have concluded that the actual answer is
none of the above.

The answer is found in a quote accredited to Jim Rohn, “Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by the person you become.”

Your most crucial professional habit is your personal development plan and strategy.  

For decades, I drifted through different personal development routines. Sometimes, I read books. Other times, I attended seminars. At times, I listened to audio recordings. 

It was haphazard at best. 

Then, I stumbled onto Hal Elrod a couple of years ago. 

Hal has a fantastic story of survival. He has survived a horrific car accident, a battle with cancer, his business failing, and his sister’s death, and yet, he lives with a level of optimism that is inspiring. 

In his book, The Miracle Morning, Hal outlines the morning routine he credits for transforming his life.

S- Silence 

A- Affirmations – Positive sayings that transform your thinking. 

V- Visualization – Imagining your future in vivid detail. 

E- Exercise

R- Reading – 

S- Scribing – Journaling

I follow Hal’s formula most mornings, and it’s making a difference. Slowly. 

So, if you lack regular professional development habits, I recommend you check out Hal’s latest podcast episode and start doing the SAVERS.

If you already have a personal development routine,  WAY TO GO. Keep it up! 

It’s your most important professional habit.


Brian Rutherford

Brian Rutherford is the Chief Operating Officer for Leadercast. Brian has been telling stories professionally for twenty-five years. Stories that inspire people to see themselves and the world differently. Stories that challenge people to take meaningful action in the world.

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