People are the Purpose
We may be fixated on things today, but our past stories are woven with the threads of human connection.
We may be fixated on things today, but our past stories are woven with the threads of human connection.
One of the greatest gifts a leader can give a team member is connecting their daily activities to a greater purpose or meaning.
I have thought about things that aggravate me, worry me, anger me, and that I wish I had done differently in the past. And it has not been good.
It takes so long that we often need to remember THE REWARD because THE REWARD is not immediate. And we love immediate in our modern world.
Things that make you feel fully alive. These are things that you may have felt guilty about doing before. (Like I used to feel guilty for playing basketball.) Things that make you the best version of yourself.
Two people had the same experience but had vastly different perspectives on what that time was like.
Time victims don’t like this question. It triggers a fight mechanism because they believe that others (their job, kids, church, spouse, yard, house, etc.) TAKE their time. It is also why time victims love the idea of retirement.
We MAKE time for what is important to us. Therefore, we are not time victims.
When businesses function at their best, they serve a similar purpose to a Sherpa. They enable others to achieve their goals and results.